TPLI® (Turn Lane Pedestrian Indicator)

Product Overview:

In the pursuit of safer roads and reduced pedestrian accidents, TLPI® (Turn Lane Pedestrian Indicator) is a revolutionary safety product designed to shift the attention of drivers onto pedestrians. This system utilizes an LED-lit sign that actively alerts drivers to the presence of pedestrians and other vulnerable road users either in or about to enter the crosswalk after a call has been placed through wireless technology. Even though the crosswalk is considered the safest location for pedestrians to cross the street, there are still far too many accidents between pedestrians and drivers. Drivers habitually check for oncoming traffic from the right before making a turn, potentially overlooking pedestrians who are still crossing. TLPI® addresses this issue by utilizing a flashing LED sign (typically R10-15), which only becomes activated after a pedestrian has placed a call with a crosswalk button, to significantly increase a driver’s likelihood of noticing pedestrians. By providing real-time visual indications of pedestrian and cyclist intent, TLPI® plays a pivotal role in mitigating risks at intersections. It represents a significant leap forward in the ongoing effort to enhance pedestrian safety at intersections by focusing on the critical interaction between drivers and pedestrians during turns. TLPI® utilizes advanced LED technology and wireless communication to enhance visibility and awareness.

About the Product:

TLPI® utilizes advanced LED technology and wireless communication to enhance visibility and awareness and has been created with the intention of one day communicating with connected vehicles. It can be applied to a multitude of different intersections and is used to enhance pedestrian and cyclist safety by focusing the attention of drivers on those crossing. While an R10-15 sign is the most common application, TPLI® can accommodate many different scenarios with signs depicting yield to pedestrians, cyclists, or a combination of the two. TPLI® is particularly useful at intersections which include:

  • Right-hand turn on a red light
  • Legal left-hand turn on red light
  • Right-hand turn on a green light
  • Legal left-hand turn with no traffic arrows
  • Legal left-hand turn with flashing yellow arrow
  • Visual warning of pedestrians and cyclists in low light conditions or extreme weather conditions
  • Visual warning of pedestrians and cyclists crossing at nighttime


Product Information:

Item Description TLPI® Node TLPI® Master
Part Number 507-0001 507-0002


Compatible Signal Power Interface (SPI):

Item Description Standard SPI – 120 AC SPI XC – 120 AC SPI – 48 VDC
Part Number 501-0300 501-0301 501-0303

Additional information

Choose Product Options

TLPI Signal Interface Node, TLPI Sign Driver Node, R10-15 Right Arrow Flashing LED Sign, 30" x 30", R10-15 Left Arrow Flashing LED Sign

Features and Benefits


  • The sign can be powered through SPI, from traffic signals, or through solar applications
  • Compatible with both 120 AC and 48 VDC intersections
  • Utilizes multiple wireless nodes to energize a high-intensity illuminated sign
  • Visual warning of pedestrians crossing
  • Visual warning of pedestrians during extreme weather conditions
  • Visual warning of pedestrians during low light or nighttime hours

Key Benefits:

  • Sign design is fully adaptable to the needs of each intersection
  • Compatible with various LED lighted sign manufacturers allowing the use of the signs you’re accustomed to
  • Helps with driver awareness by providing an extra method of warning
  • Increases safety of both drivers and pedestrians in extreme weather and low-light conditions
  • Helps to prevent pedestrians from accidents while in the crosswalk

What's Included?

  • Node
  • Master

Purchased Separately:

  • Sign
  • SPI (unless you already have an interface in your existing APS unit)
  • Specialized powder coating colors

White Paper

TLPI White Paper

Product Sheet, Sales Sheet, and Manuals

Product Sheet

Sales Sheet
