Distributors in The United States

  • AZCO Supply

    Locations:  Northern California & Northern Nevada
    Phone Number:  (209) 943-2452
    Website:  azcosupply.com

  • Econolite

    Locations:  Alaska, Idaho, & Montana
    Phone Number:  (714) 630-3700
    Website:  Econolite.com

  • Granite Traffic Solutions

    Locations:  Maine, New Hampshire, & Vermont
    Phone Number: (603) 303-0466
    Website: granitetraffic.com

  • Iteris

    Locations:  Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah, & Wyoming
    Phone Number:  (303) 834-0059 (CO, NM, UT, & WY)  |  (213) 802-1727 (KS & OK)
    Website:  Iteris.com

  • JTB Supply Co

    Locations:  Arizona, Southern California, & Southern Nevada
    Phone Number:  (714) 639-9498
    Website:  jtbsupplyco.com

  • New England Traffic Solutions

    Locations:  Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, & Vermont
    Phone Number: (860) 633-1768
    Website:  newenglandtrafficsolutions.com

  • Signal Service

    Locations:  Delaware & Pennsylvania
    Phone Number:  (610) 429-8073
    Website:  signalservice.com

  • Swarco - McCain Inc

    Locations:  Idaho, Montana, Oregon, & Washington
    Phone Number:  (760) 727-8100
    Website:  mccain-inc.com

  • Traffic Control Corporation

    Locations:  Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, & Wisconsin
    Phone Number:  (630) 543-1300
    Website:  trafficcontrolcorp.com

  • Tiger Traffic

    Locations:  Texas
    Website:  tigertraffic.net

  • Control Technologies

    Locations:  District of Columbia, Florida, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, & Virginia
    Phone Number:  (407)-330-2800
    Website:  ccttraffic.com

  • Gades Sales Co

    Locations:  Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah, & Wyoming
    Phone Number:  (316) 943-1219
    Website:  gadestraffic.com

  • Intelligent Traffic Supply

    Locations:  New Jersey
    Phone Number:  (908) 791-1200
    Website:  its-products.com

  • JIKA Supply & Services LLC

    Locations:  Puerto Rico & Caribbean

  • Marbelite Co Inc

    Locations:  New York
    Phone Number:  (732) 292-2100
    Website:  marbsignal.com

  • Shah & Associates

    Locations:  Guam & Hawaii
    Phone Number:  (808) 942-7878
    Website:  shahandassociateshi.com

  • Signal Equipment Co South

    Locations:  Arkansas Louisiana, & Mississippi
    Phone Number:  (318) 222-7373
    Website:  secosouth.net

  • Southern Lighting & Traffic Systems

    Locations:  Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, & Tennessee
    Phone Number:  (770) 205-9007
    Website:  southernltg.com

  • Traffic Control Products

    Locations:  Kentucky, Ohio, & West Virginia
    Phone Number:  (440) 951-8929
    Website:  traffcon.com

  • Yunex Traffic

    Locations:  Michigan
    Phone Number:  1 (800) 241-4453
    Website:  yunextraffic.com

Distributors in Canada

  • ATS Traffic

    Locations:  Alberta, British Columbia, & Saskatchewan
    Phone Number:  (604) 542-8500
    Website:  atstraffic.ca

  • Orange Traffic

    Locations:  Quebec
    Phone Number:  (316) 943-1219
    Website:  orangetraffic.com

  • Fortran

    Locations:  British Columbia, Labrador and Newfoundland, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, & Yukon
    Phone Number:  (416) 288-1320
    Website:  fortrantraffic.com

Distributors in South America

  • Tek Chile

    Locations:  Chile
    Phone Number:  56 (22) 595-9100
    Website:  Tek.tech

  • Soluciones de Tráfico

    Locations:  Columbia
    Phone Number:  57 (317) 326-6027
    Website:  solucionesdetrafico.co